Just moved to Mülheim an der Ruhr?


You want to move to Mülheim an der Ruhr or you are just new in our city?
The following pages will inform you and will show you - step by step - things you might be interested in and you might need to get started.

You will notice that Mülheim an der Ruhr is an international, open minded city and an attractive place to live, work and study in, no matter if you move to Mülheim as a family, a couple or by yourself and no matter if you are a child, teenager, senior or if you want to found a company.
The districts of Mülheim differ a lot - surely one will attract you as well.

170.000 inhabitants from almost 130 nations are of the same opinion and bring along their talents to participate in our urban community. That is why we love to see that annually 6.700 new inhabitants have been welcomed to Mülheim since 2010.

7. Einbürgerungsfeier der Stadt Mülheim an der Ruhr. Oberbürgermeisterin Dagmar Mühlenfeld hat neu eingebürgerte Mülheimerinnen und Mülheimer im Rahmen eines offiziellen Empfangs der Stadt begrüßt. Restaurant Caruso, Stadthalle. 13.06.2013 Foto: Walter Schernstein

These days the variety within our society is one of the global challenges we have to deal with. We in Mülheim perceived you as the potential for sustainability in the future within the fields of research and economic and as well as an attribute for a progressive and attractive urban community.

Mülheim is located right next to Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, and lies in the heart of the "Ruhr Metropolis" (www.metropoleruhr.de/en).
50 % of the city area are woods and green spaces. That is why it is called "the green lung".
Even our inner city is belted by nature. There is no other city within the Ruhr area, where a river flows through the middle of the town. We are building a new promenade next to the new city port, which brings us even closer to the river.

Furthermore Mülheim has a wide range of recreational and leisure time offering -
an animal park, meadowlands, extensive opportunities for play and sporting activities, a city music school and an adult education center.

Certainly, lovers of culture will find something in their interests: numerous museums, a theatre, an open-air theatre, the cultural center “Ringlokschuppen” or the civic center offer a wide range of events. The inhabitants of Mülheim are very creative and enthusiastic - there is always something happening here - you just have to go out and find out.

By the time you will get to know Mülheim an der Ruhr - you will love it as the "Mölmsche" do. Feel yourself welcome. - We love to live and work with you in a city where we all together shape the urban community.

Therefore we invite you and we are looking forward to welcome you as a new citizen of Mülheim!

Weitere Infos

Stand: 05.04.2024


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