Electricity, gas and district heating
You need electricity, gas or district heating and you are looking for an energy supplier? We would like to introduce the medl GmbH and innogy (RWE Group) as the cooperation partners of the City of Mülheim an der Ruhr to you. They do not only provide energy to Mülheim but they also act in the fields of social, cultural, climate and environment protection issues. From this commitment we benefit in Mülheim directly.
Of course there are other suppliers. The business directory, internet or other media will give you further information.
Both of the introduced companies provide energy consulting. The German Consumer Association and the Energy Agency NRW provide further information as well.
The city of Mülheim supports the development of the "Klimazone Mülheim". Therefore we recommend to get personal energy saving tips from the "Mülheimer Initiative für Klimaschutz e. V." or to have a look on the internet.
medl GmbH
The medl GmbH supplies almost the whole of the Mülheim city area with natural gas. Other products are district heating and electricity. Further tasks are regular maintenance and renewing the general supply network. The medl GmbH is the local power supplier. 61 percent of the medl GmbH belong to the "Beteiligungsholding Mülheim an der Ruhr" and 39 percent belong to innogy.
innogy SE
The premises of the innogy energy shop are located inside the "MedienHaus". Provided services are electricity, smart metering and the project "Mülheim counts".
innogy Energieladen
Synagogenplatz 3
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Costumer Service
Phone: 0800 99 44 009 (to call toll free)
Fax: 0800 99 44 099 (to call toll free)
E-mail: kundenservice@innogy.com
Internet: www.innogy.com
Postal address:
Postfach 10 05 61
45405 Mülheim an der Ruhr
E.ON Customerservice
The premises of the E.ON Customerservice are located inside the Touristinfo.
"E.ON Kundencenter"
Schollenstraße 1
45468 Mülheim an der RuhrPhone: 0871 / 95386200
E-mail: kundenservice@eon.de
We provide you a first overview. For further details, please send us an e-mail: versenden.
Stand: 12.06.2023
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