TV & Radio

Fernbedienung und Fernsehzeitung, Infos zu Rundfunkgebührenpflicht - GEZ - Pixabay

Public service broadcasting in Germany is an essential part of a modern, democratic society: its programmes play a considerable part in forming of opinion. This solidarity-based funding through the licence fee ensures that everyone has free access to information and enables reporting independent from economic and political interests. For Euro 17.50 per month the licence fee covers all public service broadcasting programmes over all means of distributions. It also ensures that there will be a varied and freely avialable programme for all citizens in the future."

You will find more information in the official broshure "Licence Fee for Citizens" or
"Information for Students".

Here you find information in

(Source:, ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandfernsehen)


We provide you a first overview. For further details, please send us an e-mail versenden.

Stand: 28.04.2023


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