Living in Mülheim
Mülheim offers a wide range of apartments, houses and flats in different areas of the town. From downtown to the suburbs, Mülheim provides from a sophisticated lifestyle to village character living everything you will need - even living in the countryside or living along the river is possible.
The town owns two companies which will help you with housing offers. Both companies are important partners of the city because they do not only work in their core business but they are also committed to social, sport, cultural and art projects in Mülheim an der Ruhr.
MWB - Mülheimer Wohnungsbau eG
MWB is a service provider for real estate and a housing cooperative. It was founded in 1898 and consists of about 9000 members and owns more than 5000 flats. The housing corporation provides special offers for families, elder or mixed generations, pupils, trainees and students. MWB also manages flats of more than 2700 flatowners.
The bureau of planning and constructing designs and builds one-family houses, multi-family houses and row houses as well as large-scale projects for institutional investors.
MWB shapes the townscape of Mülheim in many different places. For example they have realised the "Garden Courtyard Saarn" and they have complemented the city center by building the “Ruhrquartier” located next to the river. Close to this they are realising their current project "StadtQuartier Schloßstraße".
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 2
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Phone: 0208 / 69612-0
Fax: 0208 / 69612-345
SWB- Service- Wohnungsvermietungs- und -baugesellschaft (SWB-Service)
The SWB-Service, a company with a core business of social housing, assures economically priced and at the same time high quality housing. It offers flats for families, seniors and young people.
The SWB was founded in 1951 and has a housing stock of 8500 flats. That is why so many individual visions of living can be realized. Furthermore it takes care of 700.000 square meters of green, supports innovative housing concepts, playgrounds and kindergartens.
The 100 % subsidiary SWB- Dienstleistungs-, Bauträger- und Finanzservicegesellschaft mbH (SWB-DBF) builds, supervises and administers the SWB-DBF properties and private residential buildings as well.
Bahnstraße 29
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Phone: 0208 / 45002-0
Fax: 0208 / 45002-155
More housing supplier
Of course there are a lot more housing suppliers in Mülheim. You can find offers in the local newspapers: Mülheimer Woche, NRZ, WAZ but also real estate brokers provide offers.
You can find them in the yellow pages.
Rent index
Sometimes it is difficult to know the fair market value of rental charge. The rent index gives you orientation. The rent index is an objective instrument for tenants and landlords to estimate the market value for private residential rental - regarding type, size, year of completion, quality, condition and location.
Housing benefit
If you have the right to claim housing assistance or you want to check the possibility of claiming, please contact the CommunicationCenter, phone: 0208 / 455-0 or follow the internet link.
General information is provided by the ”Ministerium für Bauen, Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein- Westfalen“.
Business premises
If you want to become self-employed and you are looking for business premises contact our business development company “Mülheim & Business GmbH”.
Other business realty sellers you will find in the yellow pages.
We provide you a first overview. For further details, please send us an versenden.
Stand: 02.05.2023
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